1) The May issue (#842) of Batman Detective Comics mentions "osteopathy." Early in the

2) An associated professor [and all-around AWESOME guy who I had the privilege of meeting at Convo last year] at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine (WVSOM) in Lewisburg, Zachary Comeaux, DO, has written a historical romance novel based on the life of A.T. Still. Titled Fire on the Prairie: The Life and Times of Andrew Taylor Still, Founder of Osteopathic Medicine. The book was published in November 2007 by BookLocker.com, a print-on-demand publishing firm.
I'm off to San Diego for the weekend to hang out with a good friend (and new AZCOM admit!), but I'll post the rest ASAP.
[for more on light sabers, see OMM videos on youtube]